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Personnel Committee Minutes 12/14/06

Call to Order 8:03 AM

Members Present:  Susan Heilbron, Richard Williams, Max McCreery, Jennie Greene

Also Present:  Polly McDowell, Staff Liaison; Tom Wilson, Town Accountant, and Ebba Hierta, Library Director.

The minutes of November 29, 2006 were moved, seconded and approved as corrected.

Ebba Hierta made a presentation clarifying the previous presentation that she made in October to the Personnel Board.  An issue has arisen about the increase of one hour per week for the Library Associate as the result of the decision to have library opened for more hours.  At the presentation in October the Board approved the change in the Assistant to the Director’s position but the PB neglected to approve the increase of hours for the Associate by a formal vote.  When the hours were submitted after December 1 (the date of the change in hours) to the Accountant he said he could not approve them as the Selectmen had not approved the increase of hours.  

After discussion that included a presentation by the Town Accountant, Tom Wilson, it is apparent that there is a discrepancy in the state laws regarding the powers of the Library Trustees and the Town Accountant’s obligations.

As a result the motion was made to recommend the increase of one hour per week for the balance of the fiscal year, and that the recommendation is retroactive to December 1.  This was moved, seconded and unanimously approved.

Discussion included recommending that the Trustees and the Selectmen should meet to clarify their lines of duties and controls over the Library.  It was recommended that Tom Wilson and Richard Williams should also attend this meeting.

The question of what a half day holiday means before Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years was raised by the Executive Secretary.  The Town Clerk has asked if she is required to work the full morning (her normal hours) or is she only obliged to work 2 hours as that would be a half day for her.  After discussion is was moved to allow a half day, pro-rated, for all employees that are not essential employees.  This motion was seconded and voted.

There was a discussion about that fact that the Selectmen have appointed Chuck Hodgkinson to oversee the Middle Line project.  This appointment means that he is taking on more responsibility and not being compensated.  In addition, this change increases his hours if he continues to provide assistance to the Personnel Board and his other Boards.  It was decided that the PB will not ask Chuck to attend our meetings until after the presentation to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission and when he is caught up with his other duties.  There was some discussion about changing his job description to include the increased duties but no decisions were made.  

Jennie reported that she received a call from the Shell Fish committee asking about the job description for a new position that they are proposing.  She advised that the PB would have to approve any new job description and suggested that they might want to meet with the PB to discuss the position.  It was agreed that Jennie would send a letter to the Chairman, John Larsen, stating that the PB would have to approve any new job description and that it will have to be advertised in the journal of record as well as posted in the Town Hall.  The Shell Fish Committee will meet with the Selectmen on the 21.  PB members are encouraged to attend.

Richard Williams has crafted a change to the Bylaw that will address the issue of the annual appointment of Town employees that will ensure that an employee can not be reappointed without cause.  It was agreed that this should be sent to Jack Collins for legal review.

Motion to adjourn was made at 9:45 AM.